zimbra 451 4.3.5 Server configuration problem [solved problem]
You getting this error "zimbra 451 4.3.5 Server configuration problem" in zimbra.log. How to this is solved problem.
You may reading link as below:
To increase RAM, CPU for your zimbra system. For example, if your zimbra system size medium and larger. To increase >= 16GB RAM and >= 8 CPU for zimbra MTA system.
The second
To configure cbpolicyd.conf.in file with parameter min_servers, min_spare_servers, max_spare_servers, max_servers, max_requests the appropriate for your zimbra system configuration.
To openning and configure cbpolicyd.conf.in file
You may reading link as below:
- zimbra some service are not running
- How to install and configure zimbra multi server
- How to Restrict Sending to Distribution list in zimbra mail
zimbra 451 4.3.5 Server configuration problem
The log error as below:Jan 22 11:31:36 mta postfix/smtpd[9984]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 451 4.3.5 Server configuration problem; from=<pvhuu90@gmail.com> to=<huupv@devopsskills.info> proto=ESMTP helo=<HuuPV>
How I do it....
The firstTo increase RAM, CPU for your zimbra system. For example, if your zimbra system size medium and larger. To increase >= 16GB RAM and >= 8 CPU for zimbra MTA system.
The second
To configure cbpolicyd.conf.in file with parameter min_servers, min_spare_servers, max_spare_servers, max_servers, max_requests the appropriate for your zimbra system configuration.
To openning and configure cbpolicyd.conf.in file
cat /opt/zimbra/conf/cbpolicyd.conf.inThe content to configure as below:
Hello. What will be the setting for mail server with user amount of 1800+?