
Showing posts with the label Linux Commands

Understanding Exit Codes in Bash: A Guide to Handling Command Execution Results

Introduction How to check exit codes in bash Linux. You can not see the numeric codes unless you want to. If you're going to see the numeric exit code use echo $? command. In Bash, the exit code of a command or script is stored in a special variable called $?. The exit code indicates the success or failure of the previous command or script. Conventionally, an exit code of 0 means success, while a non-zero exit code indicates an error or failure. Recommended Read:   Change Group Ownership in Linux with the chgrp Command Install and use htop command in Linux Check exit codes in bash What are Exit Codes? Exit codes are numeric values that represent the status of a command execution in Bash. A zero (0) exit code typically indicates a successful execution, while non-zero values signify different types of errors or failures. By analyzing these exit codes, you can determine whether a command completed successfully or encountered issues during execution.  For example check exit codes in b

Understanding Network Connectivity: arping command on Linux

In this tutorial, How to use arping command on Linux. It is like ping command in Linux. but for local network only. arping command operates at a lower networking level. What is arping? arping is a command-line utility on Linux that allows users to send ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) requests to a specific IP address on the network.  ARP is responsible for mapping IP addresses to physical MAC (Media Access Control) addresses, which are essential for data transmission over local networks. The Basic Syntax The basic syntax of the arping command is as follows: arping [options] target_ip arping : The name of the command itself. [options] : Optional flags that modify the behavior of the command. target_ip : The IP address of the host you want to target with ARP requests. How to use arping command on Linux arping command was already installed on Linux, but you need to install it as below: On Ubuntu sudo apt install arping On Manjaro sudo pacman -Sy arping The simple way to use arping com