How to Change Mac Address in Linux
In this tutorial, we'll explore the process of changing MAC addresses in Linux. MAC addresses are used to uniquely identify devices on a network. Altering a MAC address can be useful for enhancing anonymity and security while connected to networks.
Steps to Change MAC Address in Linux:
1. Open Terminal: Begin by opening the terminal and listing all network interfaces on your server using the following command:
ip link show
The output terminal below:
2. Select Interface: Identify the network interface for which you want to change the MAC address. For example, let's select the docker0 network interface.
3. Take Interface Down: Before changing the MAC address, take the selected network interface down using the following command:
sudo ifconfig docker0 down
4. Change MAC Address: Now, you can change the MAC address to your desired value. For instance, to change from 02:42:c2:c6:e8:39 to 02:42:b2:b6:c8:40, use the following command:
sudo ifconfig docker0 hw ether 02:42:b2:b6:c8:40
5. Bring Interface Up: After changing the MAC address, bring the network interface back up using the following command:
sudo ifconfig docker0 up
The result, Change Mac Address in Linux as the picture below:
Upon completion, your MAC address will be temporarily changed
changing the MAC address in Linux involves accessing the terminal, selecting the desired network interface, bringing it down, altering the MAC address, and finally, bringing the interface back up. This process enhances anonymity and security, offering temporary changes for network connections in Linux environments. . I hope will this your helpful. Thank you for reading the page!
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