speed test command line linux

 In this tutorial, How to  run a Speedtest from your command line. The requirement Nodejs version > 8+. 


Install speed test command line

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v14.15.4/node-v14.15.4.tar.gz
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ tar xvf node-v14.15.4.tar.gz
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ cd node-v14.15.4/
[vagrant@localhost node-v14.15.4]$ sudo ./configure
[vagrant@localhost node-v14.15.4]$ sudo make
[vagrant@localhost node-v14.15.4]$ sudo make install

Use NPM install speed test

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo npm install --global speed-test

 The result, Install speed-test

[vagrant@localhost node-v14.15.4]$ sudo npm install --global speed-test
/usr/local/bin/speed-test -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/speed-test/cli.js
+ [email protected]
updated 2 packages in 10.4s
[vagrant@localhost node-v14.15.4]$

Usage speed-test

[vagrant@localhost node-v14.15.4]$ speed-test --help

  Test your internet connection speed and ping using speedtest.net from the CLI

    $ speed-test

    --json -j     Output the result as JSON
    --bytes -b    Output the result in megabytes per second (MBps)
    --verbose -v  Output more detailed information

Then run command speedtest

[vagrant@localhost node-v14.15.4]$ speed-test

       Ping   58 ms
   Download   46 Mbps
     Upload   42 Mbps

[vagrant@localhost node-v14.15.4]$


I hope will this your helpful. Thank you for reading the Huuphan.com page!


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