Linux alias tips
In this tutorial, How do I use alias command to stop and start service with human language.
Step 1: Add command end of line in .bashrc file
The terminal output as below
Step 2: Apply the change
The screen output terminal:
Linux alias tips
For example, you execute command "vagrant halt app1" to stop server app1 or "vagrant halt db" to stop server db in Vagrant. you can use alias command the define command "stop_app1" or "stop_db"Step 1: Add command end of line in .bashrc file
[huupv@huupv ~]$ vim .bashrc
The terminal output as below
Step 2: Apply the change
[huupv@huupv ~]$ source .bashrc
The screen output terminal:
[huupv@huupv ~]$ cd my_ansible/example01/
[huupv@huupv example01]$ stop_app1
DEPRECATION: The 'sudo' option for the Ansible provisioner is deprecated.
Please use the 'become' option instead.
The 'sudo' option will be removed in a future release of Vagrant.
==> app1: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
[huupv@huupv example01]$ stop_db
DEPRECATION: The 'sudo' option for the Ansible provisioner is deprecated.
Please use the 'become' option instead.
The 'sudo' option will be removed in a future release of Vagrant.
==> db: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
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