Step-by-Step: Split a string in shell and get the last field


String manipulation is a crucial skill in shell scripting. One common task is to split a string and retrieve specific fields, such as the last one. This can be useful for various purposes, such as parsing file paths, URLs, or command outputs. In this guide, we'll explore different methods to split a string and get the last field in shell scripting, starting from basic techniques and moving towards more advanced examples.

How to split a string in shell and get the last field. in this tutorial, i written a small program use bash script split string /www/huu/phan/com/xyz to new path /www/huu/phan/com and last field of new path /www/huu/phan/com is com.

How to Split a string in shell and get the last field

  • one_path is /www/huu/phan/com/xyz
  • new_path is  /www/huu/phan/com
  • last_field of new_path is com
My bash shell as below:

# Author: HuuPV
# My blog:

# How to split a string in shell and get the last field

# Initialize the last slash position to -1

# Iterate through each character of the path
for (( i=0; i < ${#one_path}; i++)); do
    if [ "${one_path:$i:1}" == "/" ]; then

# Extract the substring up to the last slash

# Get the last field using the basename command
last_field=$(basename "$new_path")

# Output the results
echo "Old path: $one_path"
echo "New path: $new_path"
echo "Last field of $new_path: $last_field"

The display as picture below:


  • Variable Initialization: The last_slash variable is set to -1 initially to handle cases where there might be no slashes in the string.
  • String Iteration: The for loop iterates over each character in the one_path string. The ${#one_path} gives the length of the string.
  • Slash Check: Inside the loop, the if condition checks if the current character is a slash (/). If it is, it updates the last_slash variable to the current position.
  • Substring Extraction: After the loop, the new_path variable is set to the substring from the start of one_path up to the position of the last slash.
  • Basename Command: The basename command extracts the last component of the new_path.
  • Output: Finally, the script prints the original path, the new path (up to the last slash), and the last field.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to split a string in shell scripting?

The best method depends on your specific needs and the complexity of the string. For simple cases, cut and awk are often sufficient. For more complex scenarios, parameter expansion or custom functions may be more appropriate.

Can I split a string by multiple delimiters in shell?

Yes, you can use awk with multiple delimiters or employ more advanced string manipulation techniques in bash.

How do I handle strings without the delimiter?

Using a function that checks for the presence of the delimiter before attempting to split the string can help handle such cases gracefully.


This script demonstrates a straightforward way to manipulate strings in shell scripting. For more complex string manipulations, other tools like awk, sed, or parameter expansion can be useful, as discussed in the detailed guide above. Thank you for reading the page!


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