Bash script argument default value and takes optional input arguments


Learn how to handle default values for arguments and optional input arguments in Bash scripts. This comprehensive guide covers everything from basic to advanced examples, ensuring you can write efficient and flexible scripts.

Bash scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks and managing systems. One essential aspect of writing efficient Bash scripts is handling arguments and providing default values. This ensures that your scripts can handle various scenarios without requiring mandatory inputs every time. In this article, we will explore how to handle default values for arguments and optional input arguments in Bash scripts, from basic to advanced examples.

Understanding Bash Script Arguments

What are Bash Script Arguments?

Bash script arguments are parameters passed to a script at runtime. These arguments are used to provide input data to the script, making it dynamic and versatile. In Bash, arguments are accessed using the $ symbol followed by their position (e.g., $1 for the first argument, $2 for the second, etc.).

Why Use Default Values for Arguments?

Default values for arguments are used to ensure that the script can run even if certain arguments are not provided. This makes the script more robust and user-friendly, as it can handle missing inputs gracefully.

Basic Example of Bash Script Argument Default Value

Let's start with a basic example where we provide default values for arguments.

#!/bin/bash # Assign default values arg1=${1:-"default_value1"} arg2=${2:-"default_value2"} # Display the values echo "Argument 1: $arg1" echo "Argument 2: $arg2"

In this example:

  • ${1:-"default_value1"} assigns default_value1 to arg1 if no argument is provided for $1.
  • ${2:-"default_value2"} assigns default_value2 to arg2 if no argument is provided for $2.

Run the script with and without arguments to see the difference.

Intermediate Example with Optional Input Arguments

Handling optional input arguments allows scripts to be more flexible. Let's create a script that takes optional arguments and uses default values if they are not provided.

#!/bin/bash # Function to display usage usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-a arg1] [-b arg2]" exit 1 } # Parse optional arguments while getopts ":a:b:" opt; do case ${opt} in a ) arg1=$OPTARG ;; b ) arg2=$OPTARG ;; \? ) usage ;; esac done # Assign default values if not set arg1=${arg1:-"default_value1"} arg2=${arg2:-"default_value2"} # Display the values echo "Argument 1: $arg1" echo "Argument 2: $arg2"

In this script:

  • The getopts function is used to parse optional arguments.
  • arg1 and arg2 are assigned default values if they are not set by the user.

Advanced Example with Multiple Optional Arguments and Validation

For more complex scripts, you might need to handle multiple optional arguments and validate them. Here's an advanced example:

#!/bin/bash # Function to display usage usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-a arg1] [-b arg2] [-c arg3]" exit 1 } # Function to validate arguments validate_args() { if [[ -z "$arg1" || -z "$arg2" ]]; then echo "Arguments -a and -b are required." usage fi } # Parse optional arguments while getopts ":a:b:c:" opt; do case ${opt} in a ) arg1=$OPTARG ;; b ) arg2=$OPTARG ;; c ) arg3=$OPTARG ;; \? ) usage ;; esac done # Assign default values if not set arg1=${arg1:-"default_value1"} arg2=${arg2:-"default_value2"} arg3=${arg3:-"default_value3"} # Validate arguments validate_args # Display the values echo "Argument 1: $arg1" echo "Argument 2: $arg2" echo "Argument 3: $arg3"

In this script:

  • A validate_args function ensures that mandatory arguments are provided.
  • arg3 is optional and uses a default value if not set.

Practical Example: Script with Default and Optional Arguments

Let's put everything together in a practical script example.

#!/bin/bash ############### # Bash script argument default value # Running argument default: # ./ # Running optional input argument: # ./ argument1 argument2 argument3 # ############### # Default values argument1=HUU argument2=PHAN RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Check if three arguments are provided if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then argument1=$1 argument2=$2 argument3=$3 fi # Display the values echo -e "First Name: $RED \t$argument1 $NC" echo -e "Last Name: $RED \t$argument2 $NC" echo -e "My Site: $RED \t$argument3 $NC"

To run this script:

  • With default values: ./
  • With arguments: ./ argument1 argument2 argument3

This script demonstrates how to use default values and handle optional input arguments in a real-world scenario.

The display argument default as below:

Bash script argument default value and takes optional input arguments

The display bash script with argument as below:


What is the purpose of default values in Bash scripts?

Default values ensure that scripts can run even if certain arguments are not provided, making them more robust and user-friendly.

How do I provide default values for arguments in a Bash script?

You can use the syntax ${arg:-default_value} to assign a default value to an argument if it is not provided.

Can I handle both mandatory and optional arguments in a Bash script?

Yes, you can handle both by using getopts for optional arguments and validating mandatory arguments with custom functions.

What happens if I provide all arguments to the script?

If all arguments are provided, the script will use the provided values instead of the default values.

How do I validate arguments in a Bash script?

You can create a custom validation function that checks if mandatory arguments are provided and displays a usage message if they are not.


Handling default values for arguments and optional input arguments in Bash scripts is crucial for creating flexible and user-friendly scripts. By following the examples provided in this article, you can write Bash scripts that handle various scenarios gracefully, ensuring robust and efficient automation. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, understanding these concepts will enhance your scripting skills and make your scripts more versatile. Thank you for reading the page!


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