Mastering Zimbra: How to Use zmprov command create account attributes in zimbra


Learn how to use the zmprov command in Zimbra to create new email accounts efficiently. This guide simplifies the process for administrators, ensuring smooth and effective email management for your business.

In today's corporate environment, managing an email system effectively is crucial for smooth and efficient communication. Zimbra, one of the popular email and collaboration platforms, offers a variety of powerful tools for managing and maintaining an email system. This article focuses on the zmprov command in Zimbra, particularly how to use this command to create new email accounts. By mastering these commands, administrators can optimize the management process and improve the performance of the company's email system.

How to zmprov command create account attributes in zimbra. zmprov command creating accounts, aliases, domain, cos, distribute lists and calendar resources.

Links to below you maybe likes:

zmprov command create account attributes in zimbra
Print all attribute names
zmprov desc
The syntax for modify attributes in zimbra
  • Use + to add an attribute
  • Use - to remove an attribute
How to create account with attributes use zmprov command
zmprov ca [email protected] 123456789 sn 'huupv' cn 'Huu, Phan Van' displayName 'Huu, Phan Van (IT)' zimbraMailHost mail.huuphan.local

Account information
    Account email: [email protected]
    Password: 123456789
    lastName: huupv
    fullName: Huu, Phan Van
    displayName: Huu, Phan Van (IT)
    Mailbox: mail.huuphan.local

How to change password for account email zimbra
zmprov sp [email protected] 987654321   
How to print an attribute (Ex:displayName) account email
zmprov ga [email protected] displayName  
The output as bellow
# name [email protected]
displayName: Huu, Phan Van (IT)
How to update an attribute exist (Ex:displayName) account email
zmprov ma [email protected] displayName 'Huu, Phan Van'
How to modify attribute account email (Ex: add attribute zimbraMailForwardingAddress)

To add attribute zimbraMailForwardingAddress
zmprov ma [email protected] +zimbraMailForwardingAddress [email protected]
To remove attribute zimbraMailForwardingAddress
zmprov ma [email protected] -zimbraMailForwardingAddress [email protected]


Using the zmprov command to create email accounts in Zimbra not only simplifies the management process but also ensures that the company's email system operates efficiently. Through this article, we hope you have grasped the basic steps and important considerations when using the zmprov command. Proficiency in these commands will help administrators save time and enhance the quality of email services, thereby better supporting the business operations of the company.Thank you for reading the page!


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