zimbra DKIM (DomainKeys identified Mail)

zimbra DKIM (Domainkeys identified Mail) include:
  1. Private-key insert header of email sending mail server.
  2. Public-key updated into DNS public.
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zimbra DKIM (DomainKeys identified Mail)

Step 1: To configure zimbra DKIM
To add DKIM data into domain not existing DKIM
/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdkimkeyutil -a -d huuphan.com
The output as bellow
DKIM Data added to LDAP for domain huuphan.com with selector 0E9F133A-9577-11E1-AD0E-2A2FBBAC6BCB
 Public key to enter into DNS:
 0E9F133A-9577-11E1-AD0E-2A2FBBAC6BCB._domainkey IN TXT "v=DKIM1;=rsa;
 /4GSWYU1whOQ9oKZVAwWHSovAWZpByqNMZmFg7QIDAQAB" ; ----- DKIM 0E9F133A-9577-11E1-AD0E-2A2FBBAC6BCB for huuphan.com
After created key, then update DNS with text recor is public-key a top.

How to update zimbra DKIM data for domain
/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdkimkeyutil -u -d huuphan.com

How to retrieving zimbra DKIM
/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdkimkeyutil -q -d huuphan.com

How to delete zimbra DKIM data for domain
/opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdkimkeyutil -r -d huuphan.com

Step 3: To Add zimbra DKIM into in public DNS will looks like
0E9F133A-9577-11E1-AD0E-2A2FBBAC6BCB._domainkey 14400 IN TXT v=DKIM1;=rsa;

Step 4: How to test zimbra DKIM
Have a multiple websites for tesst zimbra DKIM. For example, http://dkimvalidator.com


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