
Showing posts with the label Linux Commands

How to Deploy and Configure xrdp on Linux

 1. Introduction Begin with an engaging introduction that briefly explains what xrdp is and its relevance for Linux users seeking a remote desktop protocol solution. Include a keyword-rich overview of what the article will cover. 2. What is xrdp? Provide a detailed description of xrdp, including its functionality and benefits. Explain how xrdp serves as a bridge between Microsoft's RDP protocol and the X window system of Linux. 3. Installation Requirements for xrdp On Fedora : Start by updating your system: sudo dnf upgrade Install xrdp: sudo dnf install xrdp -y On Ubuntu : Start the xrdp service: sudo systemctl start xrdp Enable xrdp to start at boot: sudo systemctl enable xrdp Check the status of the xrdp service: sudo systemctl status xrdp Other RDP Clients Mention alternatives to xrdp that users might consider, such as: FreeRDP rdesktop Remmina KRDC 4. Configuring User Accounts for xrdp Explain the importance of setting up a dedicated user account for RDP sessions and provide c

Top Tools for Diagnosing Pre-Installation Issues in Linux: An Essential Guide

Introduction Navigating through the complexities of Linux pre-installation issues can be a daunting task for both new and seasoned users. Fortunately, a wide array of diagnostic tools is available to help identify and resolve these problems efficiently. This article delves into the essential tools that should be in every Linux user's arsenal for a smooth pre-installation experience. From system monitoring to network analysis and hardware inspection, we cover the tools that will empower you to tackle pre-installation challenges head-on. 1. Procps - The Process Viewer Suite Procps is a collection of command-line tools that provide information about processes running on your Linux system. It includes vital utilities such as ps, top, vmstat, and w, which are indispensable for monitoring system activity and resource usage. Before installing Linux, checking the current system's health with Procps tools can help identify processes that may interfere with the installation. 2. Util-lin

Change Group Ownership in Linux with the chgrp Command

Changing the group ownership of files and directories in Linux is an essential task for managing file access among different users. This guide will introduce you to the chgrp command, explain how to use it, and provide practical examples. Understanding the chgrp Command In Linux, files and directories are assigned an owner and a group. The file's owner manages its contents, while the group ownership determines the file's access permissions for group members. The chgrp command is a tool for modifying the group associated with a file or directory. How to Use the chgrp Command for Changing Group Ownership To modify the group ownership of a file or directory with the chgrp command, here’s what you need to do: Open your Linux system's terminal or shell. Use the chgrp command with the following syntax: chgrp [OPTIONS] GROUP FILE Replace GROUP with the target group name and FILE with the file or directory whose group ownership you wish to change. Key Options for the chgrp Command

Mastering System Monitoring with htop on Linux: Installation and Usage Guide

In this tutorial, we'll explore the installation and utilization of the 'htop' command in Linux . Htop is a powerful and user-friendly command-line tool that provides an interactive process viewer, allowing users to monitor system resources and manage processes with ease. Let's delve into the steps for installing and leveraging this handy utility.   Install htop command Linux in Linux If your use Debian/Ubuntu, The following command line below: sudo apt install htop or, If your use Fedora/RHEL/CentOS sudo dnf install htop One your done with the installation, In the terminal the basic you use htop command CPU usage bar     Memory bar Green : Memory being utilized by system processes. Blue : Memory used by buffer pages. Orange : Memory allocated for cache pages. Sort processes based on Resource Consumption  Press F6 as the picture below: Search for a specific process Press F3 and you a search prompt as show below: Filter ongoing processes Press F4 and you a search prompt